It has happened more than once: a suspect is described as “Muslim type,” a police memo requires names of Muslim students in Metro Manila to be submitted for an anti-violent extremism campaign, a woman wearing a niqab is described by a broadsheet as a “security risk.”
Moro and Muslim communities are often wrongly associated with terrorism, and we have always been tagged as the usual suspects. This is just one of the many consequences that come with a long history of marginalization and discrimination and, with a new anti-terrorism law underway, Muslims and Moros are among the most vulnerable given the human rights issues and concerns raised against the proposed law.
Join our discussion tomorrow by listening to Podcast Bangsamoro, hosted by Atty. Ras Mitmug, as we tackle the Anti-Terrorism Bill together with human rights lawyers and journalists and as we dig deeper into what this proposed law could mean for the Bangsamoro.