The women and the youth have been at the forefront of democracy, being among the most active and vocal in protecting human and civil rights. Unfortunately, they also belong to the sectors who have been subjected to incongruent standards and struggled to gain a foothold in decision-making processes.

To highlight their tireless efforts in advancing democratic principles and to recognize their struggles in forwarding for the inclusion of their issues in government policies, the Office of MP Atty.Laisa Masuhud Alamia will hold a webinar titled “Our New Politics: Women and Youth Moving Democracy Forward” on ??????, ????? ?? ???? ??:???? – ?:????. The webinar will feature speakers who shall discuss current issues and upcoming opportunities for women and the youth, as well as emerging visions for a new kind of politics that best represents their interests. It also aims to explore the challenges in amplifying the voices of women and the youth and the strategies in ensuring that their concerns would be at the center of policy priorities.

The webinar is open to the public.